In addition all badges are available to orks, sm and eldar. Army painter upgrades: New units available for preview and new colours and badges available. Major Features: -New units and upgrades such as the Chapter Masters, Tyrant Guard and Force Comander’s Jump Pack -AI tweaks: Skirmish AI should be slightly more difficult and respond faster. The mod is not a total rework of DoW2, but rather focuses on enhancing this already great game by adding new units, upgrades, maps, game modes and other features.

Clone's 'Uge Mod This is a mod for Dawn of War 2 by Relic. A group of 5 heroes must survive 40 randomly generated waves of progressively increasing difficulty and overcome powerful bosses to survive. Killteam v1.62 Killteam is a 5 player co-op hero defense mod similar in concept to The Last Stand. Campaign Mod A mod that adds all the possible war gear. I am an ex-tabletop player, and a pretty big fan of WH40k. Purpose of this mod: I feel that DoW II strays too far away from what it needs to represent.

Tabletop Mod v1.0b A multiplayer modification. The Space Marines are responsible for cleaning the depths of Hulk abomination xenos. On board, the biggest threat in the history of mankind is being prepared. Space Hulk Mod 1.2.0 In the depths of outer space, a huge block of vessels tied them adrift in a vacuum. ALL Wargear Mod This mod will give you every piece of wargear in Dawn of War 2, Singlep Player-Campaign, just defeat the first mission. Those waves may differ everytime you play, as they're generated through a special script. Ahnlab V3 Internet Security 9.0 Download. There are 40 waves yet including a boss-wave. Cope's Defense Mod is a multiplayer conversion which let's you play against attacking waves of enemies. Cope's Defense Mod This is version 0.5 of Cope's Defense Mod. Included Mods: Captains Mod All units get the rank of captain and get a captain armour in this mod. This package is a collection of twelve modifications for Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II.

This mod from Netrogor makes many tweaks to the single player campaign. More Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Mods. Download Campaign Mods 1.4.4 + Wargear Extension.